These introductory notes on Whitney towers in 4-manifolds, as developed in collaboration with Jim Conant and Peter Teichner, are an expansion of three expository lectures given at the Winter Braids X conference February 2020 in Pisa, Italy. Topics presented include local manipulations of surfaces in –space, fundamental definitions related to Whitney towers and their associated trees, geometric Jacobi identities, the classification of order twisted Whitney towers in the –ball and higher-order Arf invariants, and low-order Whitney towers on –spheres in –manifolds and related invariants.
@article{WBLN_2020__7__A4_0, author = {Rob Schneiderman}, title = {Introduction to {Whitney} towers}, journal = {Winter Braids Lecture Notes}, note = {talk:4}, pages = {1--71}, publisher = {Winter Braids School}, volume = {7}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.5802/wbln.36}, language = {en}, url = {} }
Rob Schneiderman. Introduction to Whitney towers. Winter Braids Lecture Notes, Winter Braids X, Volume 7 (2020), Talk no. 4, 71 p. doi : 10.5802/wbln.36.
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