Motivated by applications to approximate and exact controllability, we are interested in the following unique continuation question: assume the solution of the linear Schrödinger equation on a domain vanishes on a very small open set for a very short time interval, then is this solution identically zero? In the situation where the Schrödinger operator includes a potential, the answer to this question depends on the regularity of the latter. We present a result proved in [FLL24] which assumes that the potential is Gevrey in time and bounded in space, relaxing in this context the analyticity assumption of the Tataru-Robbiano-Zuily-Hörmander theorem. We also give a sketch of proof.
@article{SLSEDP_2023-2024____A9_0, author = {Spyridon Filippas and Camille Laurent and Matthieu L\'eautaud}, title = {On unique continuation for the {Schr\"odinger} equation}, journal = {S\'eminaire Laurent Schwartz {\textemdash} EDP et applications}, note = {talk:15}, pages = {1--13}, publisher = {Institut des hautes \'etudes scientifiques & Centre de math\'ematiques Laurent Schwartz, \'Ecole polytechnique}, year = {2023-2024}, doi = {10.5802/slsedp.172}, zbl = {07945405}, language = {en}, url = {} }
TY - JOUR AU - Spyridon Filippas AU - Camille Laurent AU - Matthieu Léautaud TI - On unique continuation for the Schrödinger equation JO - Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications N1 - talk:15 PY - 2023-2024 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Institut des hautes études scientifiques & Centre de mathématiques Laurent Schwartz, École polytechnique UR - DO - 10.5802/slsedp.172 LA - en ID - SLSEDP_2023-2024____A9_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Spyridon Filippas %A Camille Laurent %A Matthieu Léautaud %T On unique continuation for the Schrödinger equation %J Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications %Z talk:15 %D 2023-2024 %P 1-13 %I Institut des hautes études scientifiques & Centre de mathématiques Laurent Schwartz, École polytechnique %U %R 10.5802/slsedp.172 %G en %F SLSEDP_2023-2024____A9_0
Spyridon Filippas; Camille Laurent; Matthieu Léautaud. On unique continuation for the Schrödinger equation. Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications (2023-2024), Talk no. 15, 13 p. doi : 10.5802/slsedp.172.
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