We study a class of third order hyperbolic operators in with triple characteristics on . We consider the case when the fundamental matrix of the principal symbol for has a couple of non vanishing real eigenvalues and is strictly hyperbolic for We prove that is strongly hyperbolic, that is the Cauchy problem for is well posed in for any lower order terms .
@incollection{JEDP_2010____A4_0, author = {Enrico Bernardi and Antonio Bove and Vesselin Petkov}, title = {Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with triple characteristics of variable multiplicity}, booktitle = {}, series = {Journ\'ees \'equations aux d\'eriv\'ees partielles}, eid = {4}, pages = {1--13}, publisher = {Groupement de recherche 2434 du CNRS}, year = {2010}, doi = {10.5802/jedp.61}, language = {en}, url = {https://proceedings.centre-mersenne.org/articles/10.5802/jedp.61/} }
TY - JOUR AU - Enrico Bernardi AU - Antonio Bove AU - Vesselin Petkov TI - Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with triple characteristics of variable multiplicity JO - Journées équations aux dérivées partielles PY - 2010 SP - 1 EP - 13 PB - Groupement de recherche 2434 du CNRS UR - https://proceedings.centre-mersenne.org/articles/10.5802/jedp.61/ DO - 10.5802/jedp.61 LA - en ID - JEDP_2010____A4_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Enrico Bernardi %A Antonio Bove %A Vesselin Petkov %T Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with triple characteristics of variable multiplicity %J Journées équations aux dérivées partielles %D 2010 %P 1-13 %I Groupement de recherche 2434 du CNRS %U https://proceedings.centre-mersenne.org/articles/10.5802/jedp.61/ %R 10.5802/jedp.61 %G en %F JEDP_2010____A4_0
Enrico Bernardi; Antonio Bove; Vesselin Petkov. Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with triple characteristics of variable multiplicity. Journées équations aux dérivées partielles (2010), article no. 4, 13 p. doi : 10.5802/jedp.61. https://proceedings.centre-mersenne.org/articles/10.5802/jedp.61/
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