These notes were written for a series of lectures on the Rasmussen invariant and the Milnor conjecture, given at Winter Braids IV in February 2014.
@article{WBLN_2014__1__A1_0, author = {Benjamin Audoux}, title = {The {Rasmussen} invariant and the {Milnor} conjecture}, journal = {Winter Braids Lecture Notes}, note = {talk:1}, pages = {1--19}, publisher = {Winter Braids School}, volume = {1}, year = {2014}, doi = {10.5802/wbln.2}, mrnumber = {3703248}, zbl = {1422.57031}, language = {en}, url = {} }
TY - JOUR AU - Benjamin Audoux TI - The Rasmussen invariant and the Milnor conjecture JO - Winter Braids Lecture Notes N1 - talk:1 PY - 2014 SP - 1 EP - 19 VL - 1 PB - Winter Braids School UR - DO - 10.5802/wbln.2 LA - en ID - WBLN_2014__1__A1_0 ER -
Benjamin Audoux. The Rasmussen invariant and the Milnor conjecture. Winter Braids Lecture Notes, Winter Braids IV (Dijon, 2014), Volume 1 (2014), Talk no. 1, 19 p. doi : 10.5802/wbln.2.
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