This article is based on the lectures in the Winter Braids V (Pau, February 2015). We introduce some studies of twisted Alexander polynomials to non-experts through many concrete examples. In this article we follow the definition of the twisted Alexander polynomial by Wada, which can be defined for a finitely presented group with an epimorphism onto a free abelian group. The main tool is FoxÕs free calculus. In the last two sections we discuss some applications on the fiberedness of a knot and the existence of epimorphisms between knot groups.
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%0 Journal Article %A Teruaki Kitano %T Introduction to twisted Alexander polynomials and related topics %J Winter Braids Lecture Notes %Z talk:4 %D 2015 %P 1-35 %V 2 %I Winter Braids School %U %R 10.5802/wbln.10 %G en %F WBLN_2015__2__A4_0
Teruaki Kitano. Introduction to twisted Alexander polynomials and related topics. Winter Braids Lecture Notes, Winter Braids V (Pau, 2015), Volume 2 (2015), Talk no. 4, 35 p. doi : 10.5802/wbln.10.
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