Global time estimates of norms of solutions to general strictly hyperbolic partial differential equations are considered. The case of special interest in this paper are equations exhibiting the dissipative behaviour. Results are applied to discuss time decay estimates for Fokker-Planck equations and for wave type equations with negative mass.
@incollection{JEDP_2005____A12_0, author = {Michael Ruzhansky and James Smith}, title = {Global time estimates for solutions to equations of dissipative type}, booktitle = {}, series = {Journ\'ees \'equations aux d\'eriv\'ees partielles}, eid = {12}, pages = {1--29}, publisher = {Groupement de recherche 2434 du CNRS}, year = {2005}, doi = {10.5802/jedp.23}, mrnumber = {2352779}, language = {en}, url = {} }
TY - JOUR AU - Michael Ruzhansky AU - James Smith TI - Global time estimates for solutions to equations of dissipative type JO - Journées équations aux dérivées partielles PY - 2005 SP - 1 EP - 29 PB - Groupement de recherche 2434 du CNRS UR - DO - 10.5802/jedp.23 LA - en ID - JEDP_2005____A12_0 ER -
%0 Journal Article %A Michael Ruzhansky %A James Smith %T Global time estimates for solutions to equations of dissipative type %J Journées équations aux dérivées partielles %D 2005 %P 1-29 %I Groupement de recherche 2434 du CNRS %U %R 10.5802/jedp.23 %G en %F JEDP_2005____A12_0
Michael Ruzhansky; James Smith. Global time estimates for solutions to equations of dissipative type. Journées équations aux dérivées partielles (2005), article no. 12, 29 p. doi : 10.5802/jedp.23.
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